Paperback and ebook (click image)
The book, Chasing Memory, probes deeply into the source of our mind and “memory” in the broadest sense. It decisively reveals the nonphysical character of our consciousness and the dimension of Mind. These mysteries humans have pondered since the times of Plato and Aristotle are not a “hard” problem to resolve if one asks the right questions.
Our quest starts with the complexities of human memory. How do images of the past flash into our consciousness? Are we literally looking through time? When we turn to the instinctive memory of birds, butterflies, and bees, the nonphysical nature of memory and mind are brought into sharp focus. Exactly how does an orb weaver construct its web? When we scrutinize the scientific belief that a spider's DNA contains its extraordinarily complex behaviors, one quickly encounters insurmountable improbabilities.
We investigate modern physics' bizarre understanding of the quantum realm and spacetime's multidimensions. Here we find a compelling source for biological memory’s chronological structures for our body and consciousness. As great physicists such as Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg concluded, things are far stranger than commonly believed.
What is consciousness? Where are our memories of today or yesteryear stored? How do birds know how to build their nests and migrate to a remote spot thousands of miles away? What directs the astronomical series of molecular motions that causes a tiny egg cell grow into the enormous physiology that is you and me?
The material basis of scientific reality has not changed in four hundred years since proposed by Rene Descartes. It has been an immensely powerful tool but it is reaching its limit. It is time to examine its foundation and look deep into the abyss of the unknown. Within the dissident views of eminent scientists such as Nobel Prize winners Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Sir John Eccles, there resides glaring evidence that the modern, material view of reality is on the verge of a profound revolution.
By uniting life with the theories of modern physics, we find a cohesive theory of life and the conscious mind within the thickness of Time.
Available as a paperback, Vital Dimension was revised and retitled, Mind, Memory, Time.
We embrace René Descartes' admonition, "Doubt all that can be doubted!" to look beyond the rigid preconceptions of mechanistic biology and construct a truly radical theory of life.
Our quest delves into biologists' fascinating studies of birds and spiders' innate memory process. We examine the astronomical improbability of science's explanation that life arose from random chance. More than mere speculation, the weight of a logical examination of scientific evidence points to the fact that the modern, material view of reality is on the verge of a profound revolution.
We stand at the threshold to the vast dimension of the nonphysical Mind, the Vital Dimension of life. Dare we open the door?