
Life, DNA, Computers, Growing Block Universe

DNA is heralded as the "design and operating system of life." But is there anything about an egg cell's microscopic mass with DNA that suggests how it can provide the clockwork unfolding of life's four-dimensional memory patterns? Can DNA explain the astronomical expansion of molecular forces and forms which produce an organism?        o

The Growing Block Universe

As we go through the day, the present moment appears to disappear as quickly as it forms. We view time to be a continuum of infinitesimal thin slices which are lost forever as we move into the future. But might the past never disappear? Is this science fiction? Not according to physicists who embrace the possibility that the totality of the past still resides in the Growing Block Universe.

Entering Modern Physics Bizarre Universe

How strange is the universe? Today, the universe of the modern physicist is decidedly nonphysical. By itself, spacetime is neither mass nor energy. It is an invisible web which manifests itself in the motions of the universe’s spiral galaxies, brilliant stars, tiny atoms, and subatomic particles. However, the bizarre realms of spacetime and quantum mechanics appear to be totally unrelated to our everyday world. When it comes to the mechanics of life, conventional science still tries to explain things in terms of Descartes’ 17th century universe composed of pushing particles.

Revealing our Nonphysical Consciousness

Is our conscious mind a mysterious, nonphysical force? For generations, philosophers and scientists have debated the question. What is consciousness, they ask? Is it just a shadow of the brain’s mechanics? But is the question really so intractable? The answer lies in the mechanics of memory. This critical fact is generally ignored. Our memory provides the structure for our consciousness. Memory tells us who we are, where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going. Our memory identifies everything in the world around us. Where is our memory stored?